My name is Heather. I initially started this as a way to raise awareness against mental health stigma. Something that I know all too well as I fight severe depression. But that was just the beginning!
I have always been the "crafty" type. Making things in my spare time. It helped to calm me down in my depression rants. I was in a bad place one day and decided to join a mental health group on Facebook that specializes in depression and suicide prevention. While there I realized that when people reach out for support, I can't help but lend a hand. That is when it came to my attention that when I am helping other's, my problems fade away. So I decided to start making anything and everything "awareness" friendly for mental health. Then I thought, "Why just mental health when there is so much going on in the world"? So I made my first Breast Cancer Awareness bracelet. It opened a whole new door for me. I came into this supporting my cause and ended up doing so much more.
As my fiance and I stand together is this cause, we want to inform everyone that every bracelet sold is one step closer to showing the world that we support their cause although we are not fighting that battle. The proceeds from the sales will only go towards making more bracelets, t-shirts, or any other ideas we come up with. We get no slice of the pie. We are happy with the fact that we are doing our part while we are wearing our bracelets proudly as well!
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