816area.com Scott McNair

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Scott Reviews on Kansas City Improv Comedy Club 2 years ago

Kansas City Improv Comedy Club

4 Rating  

I've always enjoyed the Improve. Lots of great memories there. The food is good, the drinks are good, and the service has always been good. I flew in from Oregon to spend time with my son, the first time since the start of the pandemic, and we wanted to see a show like we always did in the past. It was all good until the show started. After that, the show was interrupted for us 5 times by staff wanting to sit others at our table. We were at a 2 person table. They said they "overbooked the show". There are no smaller tables in the club--our table was a 2 person table. We are not at a 4 person table. We were asked if we wanted to share the table, and I declined after explaining that this was the first time in nearly 2 years being here to spend time with my son, and that I had traveled from Oregon for this. The response was "no problem". If the table were larger, it would have been fine to share. While there were 4 chairs at this small table, the extra two chairs were in our way and we couldn't move them because one edge of the chair was pressed against the wall, the other edge was pressed against the chairs we were sitting in, and the isle for wait staff was right o

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